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Anaglyph : Arbre mort et vif au Margeriaz en Bauges

Arbre mort et vif au Margeriaz en Bauges

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would like showing you more stereo images, but my computer accumulates disasters. After the slides scanner at the beginning of this year, it is now the 20" monitor who is breakdown. They are irreparable in moderate price.
It is a real shock having to work on a 600x800 old monitor, after 3 years of work on a 1200x1600 monitor. (Anaglyphes lose half of their depth!). If you often work on computer, do not hesitate to increase the size of your screen, everything becomes easier and more beautiful. It is even more beautiful with a screen thin as an Apple 22", sadly it is too ruinous!.

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These images are to be freely viewed, but remain my property. You can use them at your convenience for your private viewing. You are also able to, in the scope of a public or non-commercial presentation, illustrate what seems good to you, and use of these images in any type of media will always be under the condition that credit is given to me with my name either in captions, print or with sound. If your presentation requires paid admission or other financial compensation, you must ask for my authorization.

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